Alice Percy Strauss Alice Percy Strauss


Wellbeing means not just the absence of disease, illness, or chronic pain. It’s a complex combination of a person’s physical, mental, emotional, and social factors that are all linked to life satisfaction.

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The Maze
Alice Percy Strauss Alice Percy Strauss

The Maze

The metaphor of a frustrated rat scrambling in all directions to find a way out into the maze and into freedom is identifiable and applicable for most of us living in industrial areas of the world.

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Body Wisdom
Alice Percy Strauss Alice Percy Strauss

Body Wisdom

Unless we learn to check our mind, emotions, and body during the day, the body will energetically hold the building tension for us, which doesn’t end well.

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The Power of Words
Alice Percy Strauss Alice Percy Strauss

The Power of Words

Words are powerful and enduring. In the end, any negative words, phrases, or belittling comments we give to another becomes our trademark; a clear description of our character and personality.

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Doing Nothing
Alice Percy Strauss Alice Percy Strauss

Doing Nothing

As a highly intelligent species, we humans have built an amazing world of unparalleled technological discoveries and profound materialism. We have more luxurious and pleasurable comforts than our ancestors could have ever imagined, and have exponentially built a tremendous immunity to being still and doing nothing.

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The Second Half of Life
Alice Percy Strauss Alice Percy Strauss

The Second Half of Life

Aging well is not a popular topic of conversation in our youth-oriented society. As a matter of fact, society has taught us that the process of aging offers us only the dread of disease, increasing despair, and an abject fear of death.

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Seize the Moment
Alice Percy Strauss Alice Percy Strauss

Seize the Moment

The term “seizing the moment” simply means being present. The fact is, only this moment is all we have; the past is gone and the future has not yet arrived.

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Radical Self-Affection
Alice Percy Strauss Alice Percy Strauss

Radical Self-Affection

There is an ancient Buddhist practice that asks us to be ever-mindful of how precious human life is, and that by being affectionate and kind to ourselves we show respect and gratitude for the life we have.

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Wisdom Offerings of Failure
Alice Percy Strauss Alice Percy Strauss

Wisdom Offerings of Failure

Most of us fear failure. As a result, we make every attempt to avoid it as often as possible. When it does occur, we work extremely hard to make it invisible. This is unfortunate because failure is a natural and important part of life.

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When A Friendship Ends
Alice Percy Strauss Alice Percy Strauss

When A Friendship Ends

Friendships are integral to human life. Friendships are important because they provide a special kind of emotional intimacy that can be challenging to establish with family members.

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Breakdown to Breakthrough
Alice Percy Strauss Alice Percy Strauss

Breakdown to Breakthrough

It is when we feel the most broken in pieces that we release the courage, tenacity, resilience, grit, and self-compassion we have stored within.

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Observational Silence
Alice Percy Strauss Alice Percy Strauss

Observational Silence

Recent research has shown that internalized, observational silence is the fastest and most effective way to recognize and overcome anxiety, depression, and feelings of helplessness.

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Thoughtful Communication
Alice Percy Strauss Alice Percy Strauss

Thoughtful Communication

Most of what takes place every single day has to do with communication. How we speak to others is a clear demonstration of who we are, what we think, what is important to us, and how we view the world.

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