W.I.S.E. / Women Initiating Socio-Spiritual Evolution
Since men have historically led most nations, women will now have to take on the arduous task of setting things right; righting the wrongs that men have heaped on women.
Women who want to help humanity reach its highest potential will need to be prepared and personally empowered to make the transformational changes needed to bring balance back to an unequal patriarchal mindset. Women now have enough education, experience, acumen, grit, wisdom, strength, and boldness to do what men have failed to do; provide respect, equality, safety, and justice for women and other factually disregarded people.
Gatherings of W.I.S.E. women in homes and other amenable venues is not only a good idea, it is necessary. Women must support, mentor, and invest as much time, talent, and wisdom to encourage, enlighten, and empower each other. W.I.S.E. advocates see themselves as spiritual midwives and enlightenment collaborators who are willing to assist in the birth of a greater, more compassionate, honest, and ethical human society. Strong, wise women can teach their spiritual sisters globally how to turn victimization into victory, submissiveness into strength, and tragedy into triumph. No one can do this alone; we must stand nonviolently together. This is my invitation to you to join the W.I.S.E. grassroots initiative.
Applied Meditation Group
The goal of the Applied Meditation Group is to practice higher states of consciousness with the intent of deepening self-awareness and self-actualization. Each monthly 90-minute virtual meeting includes: topic introduction, guided meditation, reflection time, short discussion, Q&A, as well as how to apply the insights gained from meditation into daily life.
W.E. Gatherings
Women Evolving are spiritual activists led by three precepts…Awareness, Courage, and Truth (A.C.T.)
When W.I.S.E. women gather together with the intent to conceive, birth, and nurture a greater version of humanity, they exchange their previous complacency with activism. They are bold, determined, and courageous in their efforts to model the best of our human potential, and are not afraid to say what they mean and mean what they say - without being mean.
Women who regularly attend W.E. Gatherings will learn how to:
Recognize and claim their authentic selves
Identify and appreciate their uniqueness, strengths, and skills
Use their inherent courage to make necessary transformational changes
Realize the meaning, purpose, and direction for their lives so they can make a difference
Stand up, lean in, and speak up to the powers that be
Listen to, trust, and follow their intuition
Increase their spiritual development, emotional intelligence, and self-actualization
If we, as a unified female force transformed the way we have been conditioned by our culture and society to see ourselves as the weaker gender, we would stop waiting for men to invite us to their leadership tables. We would simply walk in and say: “Move Over.”