Seize the Moment
The term “seizing the moment” simply means being present. The fact is, only this moment is all we have; the past is gone and the future has not yet arrived. When we seize the moment, we accept that there we cannot change the past nor control the future. Training the mind in the state of presence lessens distress and worry. By seizing each moment as it arrives, we more easily recognize what we have available within to get where we want to go in life as well as process the emotional baggage we have been carrying around most of our lives. When we seize the moment, even if the moment is not what we want it to be, we miss out on hidden opportunities to glean information intended to lead us to some terrific, self-educational insights, ideas, behavioral, and fruitful actions.
Rather than chasing after what we think we want, when we trust ourselves to seize the moment, in all its naked reality, we come to a knowing that things are as they should be, and even if there may be struggles and pain when in the present moment we more readily embrace the truth contained in the old axiom: “What doesn’t kill us will make us stronger.” Seizing, accepting, and cherishing each moment as it arrives helps us embrace the truth that what once frightened the breath out of us no longer has such power.
Honoring the Truth
By honoring the truth that no matter how mundane, boring, threatening, or scary life can be, when we take advantage of each moment, no matter how we judge it, irrational panic can become inspirational productivity.
“Honor the emergence of each moment exactly as it arrives. When we seize the moment and trust that everything happens for a reason, life becomes an exciting reality excursion rather than a frighteningly imagined piece of fiction.”