Thoughtful Communication
Most of what takes place every single day has to do with communication. How we speak to others is a clear demonstration of who we are, what we think, what is important to us, and how we view the world. Our choice of words, and the emotional energy we insert into those words, can be received in three distinct ways: negative, positive, or neutral. When we speak before thinking, we greatly increase the possibility of those words being negatively received. When there is little or no conscious thought prior to speaking, our words may be misrepresented and misunderstood.
Stop, Look & Listen
By being fully aware of what we want to say and how we are feeling, we give ourselves some headspace; the few seconds needed to consciously decide what we really want to convey without emotional over reactivity. It also greatly lessens the chances of irreparable emotional damage in relationships by preventing escalating mental negativity and defensive arguments. Applying what we learned in grade school is an intervention that we can successfully rely on in adulthood: stop what we are doing, take an honest look at what we are feeling, and listen to our gut instinct (intuition). The directive to stop, look, and listen is the core of thoughtful communication.
Benefits of Practicing
When not conscious of the consequences of our emotionally charged words, all hell can break loose. Life can feel exceedingly lonely and sad for those who aren’t interested in improving their communication skills, which must include listening. Learning to speak thoughtfully, truthfully, and kindly may feel scary, uncomfortable, distasteful at first. However, the benefits of practicing this skill is profound. The same can be said for sincere, deepening our listening skills.
“May your thoughts and words be a true reflection of the wisdom within you.”